Summer 2003     ISSN 1096-1453     Volume 7, Issue 2 Table of Contents      by page number Editorials: (1) Service-Learning (2) Teaching the Novel and Short Fiction Why Teachers Should Also Write / 2392-3l EDITORS' CHOICE Kate Kiefer, Colorado State University This EDITORS' CHOICE article was featured -- in July 15th Academe Today, daily e-mail sent out to The Chronicle of Higher Education subscribers -- and in July 15th Magazine & Journal Reader, see archives A GLANCE at the summer issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly: Teachers should also write (7/15/2003) Deadline Reporting: Terrorism on September 11 / 2427-3l Linda Kay, Concordia University, Canada Teaching Multiculturalism Post-9/11 / 2412-3l Christopher Todd Malone, Northeastern State University, OK Diversity Research as Service Learning / 2410-3l Karen L. Suyemoto, University of Massachusetts Boston Peter Nien-chu Kiang, University of Massachusetts Boston Teaching Between the Genres / 2406-3l Michael Cocchiarale, Widener University, PA Communication as Critical Inquiry in Service-Learning / 2403-3l Spoma Jovanovic, University of North Carolina Using technology to enhance service-learning reflections / 2390-3l Kathleen M. Nokes, Hunter College, CUNY Donna M. Nickitas, Hunter College, CUNY Robin Keida, Hunter College, CUNY Susan Neville, Hunter College, CUNY Coaching a High School Science Olympiad Team / 2388-3j Scott Robinson, SUNY Brockport Beginning Teachers and Service-Learning: Lessons Learned / 2387-3l Michelle Ray Cepello, California State University, Chico Teresa M. Davis, California State University, Chico Laurel Hill-Ward, California State University, Chico Teaching K. A. Porter’s “That Tree” / 2385-3l Elena Ortells Montón, University Jaume I of Castelló, Spain Visual Literacy After 9/11 / 2384-3l Alison Russell, Xavier University, OH Emergency Room Mode —A Service-Learning Case / 2383pm Lee Wilberschied, University of Cincinnati, OH Lisa Bauer, University of Cincinnati, OH Carla Gerdes, University of Cincinnati, OH Pathways to Intergenerational Understanding / 2382-3l Marylin Osborne Wakefield, James Madison University, VA Carolyn Bartick Ericson, George Mason University, VA Technology Professional Development: A Case Study / 2378-3j Dolores T. Burton, New York Institute of Technology Mentoring as Service-Learning for Undergraduates / 2376-3l Mary Louise Cashel, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Clair Goodman, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Jane Swanson, Southern Illinois University Carbondale Service-Learning in Preservice Teacher Education / 2375-3l Jeffrey B. Anderson, Seattle University, WA Joseph A. Erickson, Augsburg College, MN Enriching Economics Education Though Service-Learning / 2374-3l Saundra L. Wetig, University of Nebraska at Omaha Generating Social Capital in Schools through Service-Learning / 2367-3l Christopher J. Koliba, University of Vermont Developing Just Citizens in Australia / 2365-3l Jude Butcher, Australian Catholic University Peter Howard, Australian Catholic University Elizabeth Labone, Australian Catholic University Mark McFadden, Australian Catholic University and Charles Sturt University Peter W Sheehan, Australian Catholic University Reflecting on the Good Life: An Intergenerational Dialogue / 2364-3l Alberto Hernández-Lemus, Colorado College Bridging the Gap for Pre-service Teachers / 2358-3l Tami Abourezk, California State University, Northridge Debra L. Patterson, California State University, Northridge Is Service Learning Making the Grade? / 2357-3l Jennifer L. Romack, California State University, Northridge Middlemarch: Martyrs to Circumstances / 2350-3l Nursel Icoz, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey The Wellspring: Historical Writing Project / 2349-3l Megan McCarthy, Onekama Middle School, MI Writing the Self through Service, a Dietetic Ethics / 2347-3l Benjamin G. Lanier-Nabors, Louisiana State University Frankenstein Meets Maslow / 2345-3l Deborah Bice, Kent State University Ashtabula, OH Tamra Courey, Kent State University Ashtabula, OH Novel Pedagogies / 2342-3l Ruth Ann Smalley, The College of Saint Rose, NY At War, with Shakespeare--Student Development / 2337-3l Thomas J. Derrick, Indiana State University Increasing Awareness and Understanding of Students with Disabilities / 2336-3l Darra Pace, Hofstra University, NY A Conceptual Study of Visual Training Methods / 2329-3l Chong-Tek Aik, Walden University, MN Foreign Language Anxiety and Student Attrition / 2332-3l Phillip Bailey, University of Central Arkansas Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Howard University, Washington, DC Christine E. Daley, Muscogee County School District, GA Effect of Language Program on Behavior / 2330-3l Gregory J. Benner, University of Washington—Tacoma Paul Mooney, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Profile Of Learning Through Service: Assessment / 2328-3l Carol G. Weatherford, Clemson University, SC Emma M. Owens, Clemson University, SC David E. Weatherford, Jr., Clemson University, SC William Fisk, Clemson University, SC Analyzing Student Journals in a Service-Learning Course / 2326-3l Robert S. Weisskirch, California State University, Monterey Bay Learning Preferences/Instruction in General Chemistry / 2323-3l John Goodwin, Coastal Carolina University, SC Doug Smith, Coastal Carolina University, SC Teaching Statistics Courses: Some Important Considerations / 2322-3l Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Howard University, Washington, DC Nancy L. Leech, University of Colorado at Denver Values Gaps Among Faculty And Administrators / 2320-3l Jeff Totten, Southeastern Louisiana University Laurie Desiderato, Bemidji State University, MN Robert Ley, Bemidji State University, MN Marilyn Meisenheimer, Bemidji State University, MN Night Train's Dark Lesson /2316-3l Robert Johnson, Midwestern State University, TX Undergraduate Research as Community Service / 2314-3w Lori J. Vogelgesang, University of California Los Angeles Kathy O’Byrne, University of California Los Angeles Opera as an Intervention for Rural Public School Children / 2310-3w Pearl Yeadon McGinnis, Southwest Missouri State University Debra McDowell, Southwest Missouri State University Service-Learning: Empowering Students with Special Needs / 2309-3w Silva Karayan, California Lutheran University Paul Gathercoal, California Lutheran University Didactics and Entertainment on Eighteenth Century Hungarian Stage / 2307-3w Julia Demeter, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary On The Road To Education For Democracy / 2304-3w Adam S. Weinberg, Colgate University, NY Service-Learning for Understanding Human Exceptionality / 2303-3w Jack Mayhew, Weber State University, UT Community Collaboration To Support Reentry Adult Women / 2298-3w Marilyn Lockhart, Montana State University Adopt a School / 2295-3w Beth McMahon, Lock Haven University, PA Fostering a Sense of Justice through International Service-Learning / 2292-3w Kathia Monard-Weissman, Institute for Global Education and Service-Learning, PA Role-Playing a Legend in Virtual Reality / 2288-2z Xun Ge, The University of Oklahoma Jack Lee, formerly of Wufeng Institute of Technology, Taiwan Kelly A. Yamashiro, formerly of Wufeng Institute of Technology, Taiwan Excellent Teachers: Exploring Constructions Of Teaching / 2275-3l Author: R.J. Vallance, University of Notre Dame, Australia What educators should know about HIV / 2272-3w Neena Khanna, University of Kentucky Sonja Feist-Price, University of Kentucky Sign Language of the Netherlands and Deaf Culture / 2267-2z Beppie van den Bogaerde, Hogeschool van Utrecht, Netherlands Marjan Stuifzand, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands Appropriating Literature in Foreign Language Classrooms / 2261-3l Miguel Mantero, The University of Alabama Analysis of Literature Seminar Web Sites / 2247-2z Peter Yang, Case Western Reserve University, OH Jesse Hauk Shera, Case Western Reserve University, OH Learning-Style Perceptual Preferences of Bruneian Students / 2244-2z Pengiran Rahmah Pengiran-Jadid, Universiti Brunei, Brunei Renaming the World: Freeman’s Revolt of Mother / 2228-3l Ngwarsungu Chiwengo, Creighton University, NE The Government’s Efforts to Improve Reading of Young Children / 2225-3l Lea Lee, Old Dominion University, VA Abha Gupta, Old Dominion University, VA Applying Film Theory in Teaching Fiction / 2221-3l Tammy Ostrander, College of St. Scholastica, MN Teaching the Novel in Context / 2204-3l Brett C. McInelly, Brigham Young University, UT The Unteaching of Literature / 2164-pm William A. Glasser former Senior Fulbright Lecturer Service Learning: Implementation and Evaluation in a Pharmacy Curriculum / 2405-3l Cynthia W. Coffey, Mercer University, GA Susan W. Miller, Mercer University, GA Candace Barnett, Mercer University, GA Vicky Turberville-Vega, Mercer University, GA The Mind as a Novel Metaphor / 2436-3l John K. Davis, California State University, Dominguez Hills Teaching Mindfully: Learning and Teaching through Story-telling Heather Ann Ackley Bean, Azusa Pacific University, CATo view selected abstracts, click on article's title. To view tables and charts, click page number ... coming August 5th When link is disable, request for paper copy.