- special formatting codes, AutoText, Rich Text Format, macros, and
boilderplate or boilerplate text
- metadata, hidden text, and header/footer like footnotes at the end of
each page;
footnotes should be endnotes visible in normal layout
- Word or WordPerfect footnote functions, special margins or tabs
or control characters
- hard carriage-returns for line breaks; instead use the automatic
word-processing wraparound feature
- use of hyphen at the end of a line to divide words, including compound words
- tracking marks on the side "Printout Layout" under "View"
- protecting or securing your document to prevent editing, printing, etc...
- double spacing (in electronic submission)
- indention (instead use one line space between consecutive paragraphs)
- author's information at the end of the article
- quotation marks if you are using a direct quotation which is longer than two
the quote should be indented eight spaces and quotation marks omitted
- listing any references not cited in the text and vice versa (all citations must be referenced)
- running head and pagination or period, colons, quotation marks, etc...
after manuscript's title or any subtitle
- superscripts and subscript (instead use bracketed numbers);
in dates and editions write, e.g. 5th or 3rd ed.
- word   underline,   UPPERCASE ,   italics,   bold-face
Note: use of   italics,   or   bold-face  
is acceptable in title or section headings